IAME job – Junior team leader

The IAME Research Centre of Paris opens a position for a talented scientist wishing to establish an independent team in the field of bacteriology.

Our laboratory, IAME (“Infection, Antimicrobials, Modelling, Evolution”), is an alliance from basic to clinical and population-based research towards medical progress in the fight against infectious diseases (https://www.iame-research.center/). Founded in 2014, our unit is affiliated with the French Institute for Medical Research (INSERM), the University of Paris Cité and the University Sorbonne Paris Nord. IAME currently comprises four teams spanning microbiology, infectious diseases, biostatistics, modelling, and epidemiology. Located at the University of Paris / Bichat Medical School campus in northern Paris and connected to several nearby University Hospitals, it fosters a unique environment where basic scientists and clinicians collaborate on infectious disease research.

IAME is seeking a talented junior team leader to develop a ground-breaking and innovative research project in the field of bacteriology. There are no specific thematic restrictions. Ideal candidates should possess the qualifications to compete for national and international research grants. Researchers without a permanent position in France will be encouraged to apply for funding through programs like the ERC and/or ATIP/Avenir, or for research/teaching positions at French institutions (INSERM, Université Paris Cité and Université Sorbonne Paris Nord).

Deadline for applications: September 1st, 2024

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