Two Post-doctoral positions « Pathogen-vector/host interaction » (up to 5 years)

Two Post-doctoral positions « Pathogen-vector/host interaction » (up to 5 years)
Plague and Yersinia pestis team, Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille, France. Head, F. Sebbane

Offer Description. We are offering two post-doctoral contracts (up to 5 years) starting in November 2024 and until they are filled. They are linked to our ERC-Synergy project entitled “Reconstructing the environmental, biological and societal drivers of plague outbreaks in Eurasia between 1300 and 1900 CE – Synergy-Plague”, an inter-disciplinary project involving four main PIs: Dr. F. Sebbane (Inserm, Lille, France), Pr. NC. Stenseth (U. Oslo, Norway), Pr. P. Slavin (U. Stirling, UK) and Pr. U. Büntgen (U. Cambridge, UK); The positions are for the plague and Yersinia pestis team, headed by F. Sebbane. In this team, the main tasks are to establish, maintain and/or use arthropod colonies to study their development and the outcome of infection under conditions of interest, and decipher the molecular aspects associated with the models used.

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