AMP 2024

8th International Symposium on Antimicrobial Peptides
AMP 2024

June 5-7, 2024
Le Pharo, Marseille, France


The continuous and ever-increasing resistance to antibiotics represents a major challenge to global public health. In this context, there is an urgent need to identify novel potential antimicrobials, to dissect their molecular mechanism(s) of action, and to characterize their function in the context of complex immune responses. Antimicrobial peptides represent a class of antibiotic molecules that display targeted activity against microorganisms, which are produced by living organisms as diverse as bacteria, fungi, plants, insects and vertebrates, and which can be as well artificially designed and synthesized.

AMP2024 will bring together the world’s leading experts in the field to discuss the most recent research advances on: a) the discovery, biosynthesis pathways and bioengineering of novel antimicrobial peptides, b) the mechanisms of antimicrobial activities and bacterial resistance, c) immune modulation by antimicrobial peptides, d) the interplay between antimicrobial peptides & microbiota, and e) antimicrobial peptides as an ecological and evolutionary point of view.

Organizing Committee

Michael Lafond, (MCU AMU-INRAE-BBF UMR 1163)
Josette Perrier, (PR AMU-CNRS-ISM2-BiosCiences UMR 7313),
Quentin Albert (MCU AMU, INRAE-BBF UMR 1163)
Marc Maresca (MCU AMU-CNRS-ISM2-BiosCiences UMR 7313),
Olga Iranzo (DR AMU-CNRS-ISM2-BiosCiences UMR 7313);
Agnès Amouric (IE ISM2-CNRS-AMU BiosCiences UMR7313)
Élise Courvoisier-Dezord (IE ISM2-CNRS-AMU BiosCiences UMR7313)
Cendrine Nicoletti (IE ISM2-CNRS-AMU BiosCiences UMR7313)
Members of the SFM working group (GT PAM) are also involved in the organization.

Scientific Committee

Charles BEVINS- University of Davis, USA
Jean-Michel BOLLA – Aix-Marseille University, France
Svetlana DUBILEY – Toulouse Biotechnology lnstitute, France
Yannick FLEURY – University of Occidental Bretagne, France
Cesar DE LA FU ENTE – University of Pennsylvania, USA
Katy JEANNOT – University of Bourgogne, France
Michael LAFOND – Aix-Marseille University, France
Marc Maresca – Aix-Marseille University, France
Ines NEUNDORF – University of Cologne, Germany
Javier PIZARRO-CERDA- Pasteur lnstitute, France
Aurélie TASIEMSKI – University of Lille, France
Anna ZAIDMAN-REMY – University of Lyon, France
Séverine ZIRAH – National Museum of Natural History, France

Invited speakers

Charles BEVINS – University of California – Davis, USA
Eugene CHANG – University of Chicago, USA
Svetlana DUBILEY – Toulouse Biotechnology lnstitute, France
Cesar de la FUENTE – University of Pennsylvania, USA

Peter MERGAERT – University of Paris-Saclay, France
Ines NEUNDORF – University of Cologne, Germany
Octavio FRANCO – Catholic University of Brasilia, Brasil
Anna ZAIDMAN-REMY – University of Lyon, France


Wednesday 5 June 2024

08h00-09h00 Registration – welcoming coffee

First Session
Chair Michael Lafond

09h00-09h15 Opening Remarks
09h15-10h15 Opening Lecture: Prof. Cesar de la FUENTE (University of Pennsylvania, USA) 

10h15-10h45 – Coffee Break (Posters available)

Second Session: Mechanisms of antimicrobial activities and bacterial resistance – part I
Chairs Svetlana Dubiley and Javier Pizarro-Cerda

10h45-11h25    Prof. Ines Neundorf (Germany) Tailoring the antimicrobial activity of a cell-penetrating peptide
11h25-11h40    Julian D HegemannStudy of the antimicrobial activity of microcin j25 and variants thereof
11h40-11h55    Caroline GiraudLasso peptides sviceucin and siamycin I have anti-virulence activity and restore vancomycin-effectiveness in vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus sp. and Staphylococcus aureus
11h55-12h10    Anne BoyeldieuDeciphering the mode of action of the RumC1 bacteriocin in Streptococcus pneumoniae

12h10-13h20 – Lunch (Posters available)

Third Session: Mechanisms of antimicrobial activities and bacterial resistance – part II
Chairs Svetlana Dubiley and Javier Pizarro-Cerda

13h20-13h35    William ZamoraStructure–antimicrobial activity relationships of recombinant host defense peptides against drug-resistant bacteria
13h35-13h50    Robert VachaDesign guidelines for antimicrobial peptides that kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria via transmembrane pores
13h50-14h05    Mary Chan-ParkEradication of Staphylococcus aureus biofilms and antibiotic-tolerant persisters by block co-beta-peptides
14h05-14h15    General discussion with speakers of the session

Fourth Session: Interplays between antimicrobial peptides & Immune modulation – part I
Chairs Aurélie Tasiemski and Marc Maresca

14h15-14h55   Prof. Eugene Chang (University of Chicago, USA)
14h55-15h10   Julien DianaCathelicidin antimicrobial peptide modulates neuroinflammation differently depending on its cellular source
15h10-15h25   Weronika WozniakIdentification and characterization of an FDA-approved molecule boosting expression of human antimicrobial peptides

15h25-15h55 – Coffee Break (Posters available)

Fifth SessionInterplays between antimicrobial peptides & Immune modulation – part II
Chairs Marc Maresca

15h55-16h15 Aurélie Tasiemski – Immune function of worm AMPs and adaptation to changing marine habitats

16h15-16h25   General discussion with speakers of the session

16h30-19h00 – Poster session / Wine & Cheese
Chairs Josette Perrier and Marc Maresca


Thursday 6 June 2024

Sixth Session: Interplays between antimicrobial peptides & microbiome – part I
Ines Neundorf and Quentin Albert

08h45-09h25   Prof. Charles Bevins (University of California Davis, USA)
09h25-09h40   Johanna BoschFunctional and ecological characterization of novel Ranthipeptides from the gut microbiome
09h40-09h55   Garance LeroyModulation of microbiota by alterin-producing Pseudoalteromonas during a maturation cycle of the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis

09h55-10h25 – Coffee Break (Posters available)

Seventh Session: Interplays between antimicrobial peptides & microbiome – part II
Chairs Ines Neundorf and Quentin Albert

10h25-10h40 Natalia SzeligowskaPeptides for microbiota modulation
10h40-10h55   Axelle LiebautCharacterization of a new family of bacteriocins produced by the intestinal microbiota
10h55-11h05   General discussion with speakers of the session

Eight Session: General session for flash presentations selected from posters
Chairs Yanyan Li and Jean-Michel Bolla

11h05-11h10   Anna BenešováComparison of pore-forming activity of colicins E1, E11 and unrelated colicin Js
11h10-11h15   Hana BrzobohatáLEGO-lipophosphonoxins: Fluorescent peptidomimetics as a powerful tool for studying the membrane disruption
11h15-11h20   Barbara Cardoso DominguesAntimicrobial Activity of Degradable Synthetic Antimicrobial Copolymers
11h20-11h25   Felipe Miceli de FariasRaffinocyclicin is a novel plasmid-encoded circular bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus raffinolactis
11h25-11h30   Gabriella PettiThe virulence factor AVE1 of the fungal plant pathogen Verticillium dahliae displays antimicrobial activity by targeting bacterial membranes and cell walls
11h30-11h35   Lana VianeyInvestigations the antifungal properties of the lanthipeptide pinensin and its naturally-occuring variants

11h35-11h40 General discussion with speakers of the session 

11h40-12h40 – Lunch (Posters available)

Ninth Session: Antimicrobial peptides, Ecology and Evolution
Chair Cesar de la Fuente

12h40-13h20   Dr. Peter Mergaert (University of Paris-Saclay, France)
13h20-13h35   Pr. Séverine ZirahProduction of microcins within Enterobacteriaceae isolates from poultry: a phenotypic, genomic and peptidomic study
13h35-14h15   Dr. Anna Zaidman-Rémy (INSA Lyon, France) – Multiple functions and fine-tuned regulation of antimicrobial peptides in the mutualistic symbiosis between the cereal weevil Sitophilus spp and their endosymbiotic bacterium

14h15-14h25   General discussion with speakers of the session

14h25 – Departure towards the ‘Grotte Cosquer’ (Coquer Cave) or ‘Mucem’ museum
15h15-18h30 – Social activity: Visit of the ‘Grotte Cosquer’ (Coquer Cave) or ‘Mucem’ museum

20h00-23h30 – Gala Dinner – Restaurant La Nautique, Le Vieux-Port (optional, registration required)

Friday 7 June 2024

Tenth Session: Discovery, biosynthesis pathways and Bioengineering of novel AMPs – part I
Chairs Séverine Zirah and Charles Bevins

09h00-09h40   Prof. Svetlana Dubiley (Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, France) – Cytosine that Learned to Mimic Adenine: an Unusual Aminoacyl-nucleotide Inhibitor of Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase
09h40-09h55  Tânia Raquel Rodrigues GraínhaNew polymyxin analogs to combat Gram-negative biofilm-associated infections
09h55-10h10   Pipiya SofiyaCreation of new drug candidates by deep functional profiling of synthetic biodiversity of AMP

10h10-10h40 – Coffee Break (Posters available)

Eleventh Session: Discovery, biosynthesis pathways and Bioengineering of novel AMPs – part II
Chairs Séverine Zirah and Charles Bevins

10h40-10h55   Ammar AlmaaytahThe design of a novel ultrashort antimicrobial peptide-levofloxacin conjugate with potent intra-synergistic antimicrobial activity against multi-drug and levofloxacin-resistant bacterial clinical isolates
10h55-11h10   Jose Vicente Carratalá TomásEnhancing antimicrobial efficacy: endolysin-AMP conjugates
11h10-11h25   Silvia ArinoDeveloping De Novo Antimicrobial Peptides: from machine learning to biological validation
11h25-11h40   Juan Borrero del PinoEngineering of novel circular bacteriocins using split-inteins
11h40-11h50   General discussion with speakers of the session

11h50-13h10 – Lunch

Twelfth Session: Discovery, biosynthesis pathways and Bioengineering of novel AMPs – part III
Chairs Séverine Zirah and Charles Bevins

13h10-13h25    Katia ConceiçãoRational design of bioactive peptides derived from toxins and proteases for therapeutic application
13h25-13h40    Patricia López-GómezAntibacterial and cell-enhancing hydrogels composed of self-assembling peptides for tissue engineering applications
13h40-13h55   Clarisse RoblinBridging the gap: navigating peptide development from academia to clinic
13h55-14h05   General discussion with speakers of the session 

14h05-15h05  Closing lecture: Prof. Octavio Franco (Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil) Chair Sylvie Rebuffat

15h05-15h20 – Awards & Concluding Remarks

15h30 – Departure

Abstract Submission

Deadline abstract submission : April 15 May 1, 2024

Presentation of the abstract (Arial 10). The abstract text may not be longer than 500 words. Indicate the title, the names of the authors, the institutions – Please structure your abstract with the following items: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions.

To Submit your abstract, please use this template and send to

Reviewing and selection process: All abstracts submitted will go through a peer-review process. If your presentation is accepted, the final decision will be carried out by the conference Scientific Committee. The conference Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject low quality abstracts, as well as those not pertinent to the themes of the conference.

Posters: Abstracts selected for poster presentation will be displayed during the poster sessions. (cf conference program).

Registration fees


Registration categories

From May 23

SFM Member* et Labex IBEID

450 €


550 €


350 €


550 €

Gala dinner June 6, 2024

100 €

Log in to benefit from member rates


🚌 Ⓜ️ Venir en transports en commun

En Métro depuis la gare SNCF Saint-Charles (et gare routière)

  • Prendre la ligne M1 (ligne bleue) en direction de “La Fourragère”. Descendre à l’arrêt “Vieux-Port / Hôtel de ville” ;
  • Suivre la sortie “Vieux-Port” (en montant les escalators, aller tout droit, puis après les seconds escalators, prendre à droite).

Une fois sur le Vieux-Port, vous avez la possibilité d’utiliser les Bus de la RTM ou de venir à pied.

En Bus :

  • L’arrêt “Métro Vieux Port” des bus se trouve à 30m devant la sortie du métro ;
  • Prendre le Bus n°83 (direction “Rond Point du Prado”) ou les Bus n°82 et n°82S (direction “Pharo/Catalans”) ;
  • Descendre au 4e arrêt “Le Pharo” (durée : 7 minutes environ).

À pied :

  • Longer la mer sur la rive gauche (sud) du port et continuer tout droit jusqu’au Palais du Pharo (durée : 18 minutes environ).

Il existe une tarification particulière qui concerne les achats de titres ou d’abonnements faits par les entreprises, les collectivités, les associations, les congressistes ou organisateurs d’évènements.

Pour plus d’informations : RTM – Réseau de transports

🚗 Venir en voiture

Marseille est le carrefour autoroutier entre l’Espagne, l’Italie et l’Europe du Nord.

  • Autoroute Nord A7 : Lyon, Paris, Bruxelles.
  • Autoroute du Littoral A55 : Arles, Montpellier, Toulouse, Barcelone.
  • Autoroute Est A50 : Toulon, Nice, Milan, Turin, Gènes.
  • Dans Marseille intra muros, le tunnel Prado-Carénage permet :
    • une liaison directe entre les autoroutes A55 et A50,
    • une traversée du centre-ville en moins de 5 min.

Coordonnées GPS : 43.297386 – 5.375061

Votre itinéraire : Michelin – GoogleMap – Mappy


Parking Q-Park Pharo privé de 414 places (en face de l’entrée du Palais du Pharo).
75 impasse Clerville – 13007 Marseille

Pour plus d’informations :

Où se garer à Marseille :

🚆 Venir en train

La Gare TGV Marseille Saint-Charles est située en plein cœur de la ville. Elle donne accès au lieu du congrès en quelques stations de métro.

  • Plus de 200 trains quotidiens et depuis l’arrivée du TGV Méditerranée.
  • 20 TGV Méditerranée Paris/Marseille par jour (3 heures de trajet).

Pour plus d’informations : – Se rendre ou partir de la gare de Marseille – TER

✈️ Venir en avion

L’aéroport International Marseille Provence se situe à 25 minutes du centre-ville de Marseille.

  • 25 liaisons quotidiennes Paris/Marseille (1h20)
  • 20 villes françaises desservies.
  • 89 villes desservies dans 27 pays
  • 29 compagnies nationales et internationales

Pour plus d’informations : Tél. : 0820 811 414 –

Aérogare low-cost mp2

  • 30 destinations “low-cost” en Europe avec le Terminal mp2

Pour plus d’informations :

Air France : Tél. : 36 54 (appel non surtaxé) –

Service de navettes autocars depuis/vers l’aéroport Marseille Provence
Navette toutes les 10 minutes. Durée du trajet : 25 mn environ (Départ/arrivée : gare TGV Marseille Saint-Charles).

Pour plus d’informations : achat ticket en ligne – horaires

🚕 Venir en taxis

Entre l’aéroport et le centre-ville, compter 50 € environ de jour et 60 € de nuit.

Taxis Radio Marseille
Tél. : +33 4 91 02 20 20 (24h/24-7j/7) –

Les Taxis Marseillais
Tél. : +33 4 91 92 92 92 (24h/24-7j/7) –

Taxis aéroport Marseille-Provence
Tél. : +33 4 42 14 24 44 (24h/24-7j/7) –

Seul ce groupement de taxi est dûment habilité à stationner sur l’aéroport Marseille Provence.

Social Programme


Date: Wednesday 5 June 2024
Time: 17h15-19h15
Venue: Le Pharo, Marseille, France
Cost: Included in all registrations


Date: Thursday 6 June 2024
Time: Departure 14H00
Venue: GROTTE COSQUER – Promenade Robert Laffont – 13002 Marseille
Cost: Included in all registrations

In Marseille, the Mucem stands out as a great museum dedicated to the Mediterranean.

Date: Thursday 6 June 2024
Time: Departure 14H00
Venue: Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée – 7 promenade Robert Laffont (esplanade du J4) – 13002 Marseille
Cost: Included in all registrations

A fantastic gastronomic experience on the heart of the Vieux port. Have a sit on the finest terrasse in Marseille with a sea front experience, and let yourself drift in this amazing atmosphere with this idyllic landscape.
Both ambience and cuisine are stunning. The traditional and refined food that we offer is inspired by Mediterranean recipes and flavors.
The menu will be exclusively based on fish.

Date: Thursday 6 June 2024
Time: 20h00-23h30
Venue: RESTAURANT LA NAUTIQUE Pavillon Flottant de la Société Nautique de Marseille – Opposite of the 20 quai de Rive Neuve 13007 Marseille
Cost: 100 euros. Registration required here

FEMS Grants

This meeting is selected by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) to offer grants for event participation for Early Career Scientists.


To apply for this grant, you would need to meet following requirements:
• be a member of a FEMS Member Society* or be recommended by such a member
• be an Early Career Scientist**
• be an Active Microbiologist
• be presenting author at the meeting (oral or poster)

*Find out if your society is a FEMS Member at **These are active microbiologists who obtained the highest academic degree – Bachelor, Master or PhD – less than five years prior to the application deadline date, or are a Master or PhD student. Periods of maternity/paternity leave, special leave or illness do not count toward this definition.

Application process

Please send your application before 31.03.2024 May 1, 2024 to the following address:

Additional benefits

As a FEMS Member Society member, you can:
• benefit from the grant provided for this meeting (see Eligibility above)
• apply for a range of other FEMS Grants
• benefits/discounts off the registration fee for FEMS Congresses/Conferences
• benefit from a 25% discount off a selection of Oxford University Press books



If you want to sponsor this event, please contact us
36 avenue Jean Moulin
75014 Paris
+33(0)09 63 04 70 73


If you want to sponsor this event, please contact us
36 avenue Jean Moulin
75014 Paris
+33(0)09 63 04 70 73